Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn Pathworking

The New Moon falls on my birthday - January 10th. A New Moon in Capricorn Decan 2. There is a lot going on here astrologically - which I don't fully understand - but I do understand it a lot better than I had. I've been reading this book by Kevin Burk. I also like to read the Darkstar Astrology site.

I've already had Moon visitors preparing me for this - one particularly tall lanky fellow whose style was sort of steam-punk-amusement-park with anime hair. Lunar spirit. I drank Moonshine with them up in the Mountains, and got some Moon poetry, written long in the past by myself (but not really) and sung by myself and a female vocalist over a pickup truck's stereo (strange dream): 

The Mighty Moon is out
Where the Mountains end

Now this is really fascinating. I woke up with the tune on my lips, which reminds me of Vega in Lyra....  

Goats climb mountains. They climb them alone, and very meticulously. The Temple of Malkuth, my astral temple, happens to be on top of a mountain.

This time of the New Moon, and those beautiful words I received speak volumes to me about what it is I must do. I know that magically I'm about to step out - to step out from where the Mountains end. I plan a pathworking on the night of January 10th to the Moon Temple.

I'm very tempted to look up "Moon Temple Pathworking" - though I will not until I've done my own. I've already "accidently" been to the Temple of Geburah and written about that here

I do know this: The Hebrew letter Tav is the key. The doorway to Yesod will be just beyond the two pillars in the Temple of Malkuth and will have a veil over it with the image upon it of the 21st trump. That is the doorway I must take to Yesod. Besides Lunar incense, I'll be checking The Complete Magician's Tables for other magical correspondences...

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