I just awoke from a peculiar dream. I remember being in an old country house - very large. I was with a group of people, and I was sort of entertaining them with jokes or witticisms or some such. A fellow I did not know came into the room. I struck up a conversation with him. He was very peculiar looking. Tall, extremely thin. Some wild modern cut. And he was wearing makeup. I remember blues and oranges around his eyes. It was very odd, but somehow fitting. He started walking away. I walked with him and kept talking. Eventually we came to another room with people sitting around. He told me that this was his group. I remember feeling a wee bit awkward. I can't remember if I kept my antics up or sat and quieted down. There were a couple of girls and a couple of guys. I remember one had kind of long blond hair with kind of an anime cut, and it seems like one of the girls had the sides of her head shaved.
I next remember being in the country. I was walking. There were country people everywhere - locals. There was some sort of festival going on. I vaguely remember seeing some type of little animals squished on the road.
I came up to this farm place. I was sort of with these people that I didn't know at all. They were country folk. Fairly young. Some activity was about to begin. There were two parallel gravel roads that extended some way into the country side. At the end of one side - where we were - was this barn. There was a basin set out with a ladle. Inside the basin was moonshine. You came in here, drank a ladle of moonshine and then ran a lap. Each lap, you drank more moonshine. We all began the race. I specifically remember drinking 2 ladles of moonshine, and it seemed I had in my head that I had run 4 laps. The moonshine fueled me with incredible energy. I ran past some people observing the race. A young girl at a car with some people. An older woman standing with a group of older people. She yelled something at me as I went by. I was trying to catch up to this guy who had passed me. Everyone was getting fueled by the moonshine and going into overdrive. But it wasn't crazy. It was just this laid back country race. I remember taking my shoes off. I had black socks that were kind of weird. Someone looked at them and said "Raiders". For some reason I thought the football team's logo had been read off of them.
I came back around to the barn with moonshine, and I accidentally spilled the basin. Just then this big young guy comes in and sees, and is annoyed. I figure they have plenty of moonshine around, and I take off.
The next thing, I am in the back seat of a pickup truck. This guy is driving. I think a girl is in the passenger's seat. I'm in the back with some guy, and we are kind of leaning on each other. The truck is speeding down a mountain highway. We keep passing all these scenes, and people, and other cars. The driver is going pretty fast. While this is happening there is this music playing - and it's my music. From years and years back when I was in a band and had a 4 track. This was stuff I had mixed on my own. But I didn't remember any of the songs. I just recognized it as mine. Two or Three played, and I kept expecting to be super embarrassed by something on the tape. I actually thought to myself, meh, this is pretty decent. Then this next song started. It was really beautiful. I knew I had written it, but I didn't remember it. There was a female voice in it singing with my voice. The lyrics were:
The Mighty Moon is out
Where the Mountains end
The guy sitting next to me - we were almost embracing - and I think he may have been that tall odd fellow with makeup - he asks me this question - I think it was, "Do you remember what the moon looked like when you wrote that?" or "Do you remember what the night looked like when you wrote that?".
I immediately woke up. The song was on my lips. Then I thought of the moonshine. The tall guy with makeup looked very "lunar".
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