Saturday, December 26, 2015

Scorpion Dream

I visited my ex - who is a Scorpio - yesterday, and brought her a couple small gifts for the time of year that shall not be named - this isn't bizarre, as we have remained on friendly terms. I swear sometimes I can see her soul through her eyes. The way she looks at me at times is amazing. Though, this seems that it is just not meant to be in this lifetime. There are too many circumstances preventing it. One of them has resolved at least - I've stopped drinking. And about those eyes - Scorpio is a predatory creature that needs nothing more than the allure of her own beauty to draw prey in.

Last night I dreamt that I was at some sort of woodland resort type of place. I remember climbing a mountain and seeing such a bizarre scene on the other side, I don't even know how to describe it. It was like looking past the veil of reality. I saw scenes of people very close up and stuff. I could see down the other side that I had ascended as well. I could see the entire landscape, and the entire path, which people were coming and going from. My friend Robin was below. He had to take a schijt. He had his pants half down, and was squatting, and just as he was about to let go, people would keep walking by. It was hilarious.

I'm suppose to clean all the bathrooms. They are really dirty and out of toilet paper. Instead, I hang out and party with a bunch of guys I use to work with. And then I sleep with this girl from work that in reality I never would sleep with. The next thing that happens, is there are three scorpions. One of them burrows under my skin. I start freaking out and I grab my own skin to prevent the scorpion from moving to a vital organ or something. I grab a glass and put it over the thing. It's still under my skin, but I'm pressing the glass over it, so that it can't move from within the circumference of the glass, if that makes sense. It eventually emerges from underneath my skin, and I lift the glass, and quickly toss the nasty critter away.

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