Monday, February 8, 2016

Black Star & Scythe

You think Bowie had seen that alchemical illustration? 

The blog has a new look. Lighter. Mercury is in Capricorn and Saturn is in Sagittarius. I remember several months ago listening to The Astrology Podcast about what Saturn in Sagittarius meant. 

Since January I have been on the move - getting stuff done. I feel more motivated and grounded than I have perhaps ever. 

"Our black earth is fertile earth." The Black Work is over. It just really came to the forefront of my consciousness as I was changing the look of my blog. The process of Nigredo has been taking place over the last 3 years - actually much longer than that - a lifetime - but the heat was really applied in the last few years. I don't wish it on anyone, but if you are going to grow, you are going to have to face some serious schijt. Schijt nobody wants to ever have to face. Schijt you would do anything to not have to face. But there comes a time, eventually, sooner or later, when you have no choice in the matter. Saturn is the black star. Saturn oversees the process of death and decay. He watches closely, that all putrefies, and all corruption settles into the darkness of the earth, from whence new life can begin to grow. Those two little bird figures in the illustration are the dying man's soul and his spirit. They are outside of his body. Because he is dying, he has become aware of them. The crow is a symbol of the process of Nigredo. Blacker than black...

New life. 

I am finally free from the oppressive Saturnian stuff that has been going down. Saturn has finally released me from my prison and my borders are in the process of being expanded. The past still hurts very much. They were extremely harsh lessons, but extremely valuable as well. In my new found freedom, I am finding that at times I enjoy a splash of color, a bit of music, even socialization. I am busy, busy, busy as a bee. I've been laying dead, and now that I'm out of that damned cooking pot, I have a lot to accomplish. Since January I've been building momentum, and I plan to keep it up, kicking arse in every aspect of life.

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