Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mercury Direct in Capricorn

This week Mercury's station is direct Capricorn - my sign. It's so fascinating how things line up when you are awake and looking. Austin Coppock just had that article on Mercury as surgeon, exctracting the "stone" which we need to be rid of, because it's infecting our system in a radical way - radical meaning infecting every part.
I just got off the phone with the dentist's office and have set up an appointment for 8AM tomorrow - I likely have a tooth infection. I haven't been to the dentist in years, and now I can no longer ignore it. Just got my Carecredit approved. It's scary as hell, but I'm looking forward to finally addressing issues I should have long ago.

Things are being excised in other areas of my life as well. It's not pleasant, but it's confronting issues that need to be confronted. Once resolved, growth and new life can happen. It reminds me too of the blogpost from years back about RO having to clean up his spheres after having dealt with the Cthonic. Man this isn't easy or fun, but what's worse is having to live with corrupting forces affecting every aspect of your being.

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