Sunday, August 23, 2015

Cloud Dragon and Useless Iron

Had a dream:

I was with an old friend outside of something like a massively built church. I had seen another old friend and was trying to say hello. He had climbed way up a pole and wasn't paying me any attention. He suddenly fell to the earth, picked himself up and started talking to my other friend, showing him around the grounds. He continued to ignore me. He had apparently been doing a lot of metal detecting. He was showing my friend all sorts of things that he had unearthed.

 We came to a large bin of weight lifting plates - old iron ones that had been in the ground. I expressed to him that I wanted to buy these and he ignores me and walks off to some other thing. My friend told me that he had already "......". I didn't understand the word. He explained that he had already performed the meditation on them. I was confused.

 Then the friend who was ignoring me began to tell my other friend about the river behind the large church structures. He spoke of the patterns of the clouds above the river. As he was speaking I began to look at the clouds. There was a long serpent like cloud above the river, as if following the form of the water's flow. I then saw that this was an enormous cloud dragon and I was looking into its eyes, which were green. It's face was both beautiful and horrible. It was descending. It was going to envelope the old majestic church buildings. I wanted someone to see the beauty of the dragon. I tried to say her name. The entire time it was as if the dragon was holding eye contact with me and I with he. I woke myself up trying to call for Bridget. It came out something like "O...aaaaa......liaaaaa."

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