Sunday, August 30, 2015

Underworld Dreams #2

I literally just woke up from this, and still have chills on my arms.

I dreamt I was in my old house, and my mom and dad were out somewhere. I had fallen asleep.  Suddenly I woke up, and I was holding a telephone, that was on.


In the background, a man with a Southern accent very quietly saying, "Shit".


A young girl's voice calmly said hello - like we had been in the middle of a conversation, but one that I had just woken up into. I knew something was very wrong. I kept asking her name. She wouldn't give it. I was so creeped out, I hung up the phone. 

The next thing I remember is that I was with my ex-wife's sister. We were in a relationship - which is absurd. I was telling her about this incident and she looked more and more upset and frightened.

"It's my family", she said. 


"It's my brother - he's a nasty person".

"You mean I was somehow being manipulated over the phone while I was asleep, by your brother?"


At this point existential fear and gloom set in. "How could they do that?"

"Maybe they slipped you some sort of drugs."

My mom and dad came home, and started fixing themselves something to eat. Sarah was too scared to want me to say anything - I mean - she had the look of a beaten horse - but I immediately began to tell my parents not to eat anything in the house, as I frantically told them what happened.

I next remember being on Summit St, in front of my parent's house, and hearing the entirety of the phone conversation from some recording we had attained through some phone records or something. What I heard horrified me. There were a group of entities trying to program me hypnotically. I seemed to recognize one of them was a demon. It was as successful as one would be in an attempt to get me to go square-dancing. I was being absolutely uncooperative, even in a hypnotic state - but given that I'm a Capricorn - this is not surprising. I began to make very strange noises on the recording. Weird moans and groans and intonations. I was willing myself to wake up. And the entities were not at all pleased. Then the "Shit", and then the voice of a girl. I was awake, and they were trying to convince me I was just having a conversation with a young lady. Well she sounded too young for me.

I was at 227 Summit, at night. I was with someone. I can't remember who.  And then my Uncle Elmer was there.  It was great.  Just like old times. He looked very healthy. He was telling us of a couple of things.  My "guide" asked him of something else.  He was about to answer the second part of that, when I interrupted apologetically, and asked my Uncle Elmer if he didn't remember telling me when I was a little kid, of him seeing a flying saucer, hovering right off of the ground in a field. 

"I sure did", he said. I can't remember the details of the things he was telling my guide and me. I call this other fellow, my "guide" because he seemed to be a companion - I can remember nothing else about him - at least not now. Well, while my Uncle Elmer was talking, I began to come to the realization that Elmer was dead, and I was talking to his Spirit. This seemed to be the point of the scenario - this realization. Night came. I was still at 227 Summit - in the darkened house that Boyd and Virginia lived in. I thought about my dead father. Somehow he has never felt near, since his death, even though I dream of him periodically. I thought of my Uncle Boyd, of this being his house. I thought of going to his favorite spot - the bedroom where the TV and recliner was, and trying to talk to him, just like I had Uncle Elmer.

As I called out his name, it became darker.  I can only describe it as falling backwards into where his recliner was, and everything becoming black.

The next thing I remember, I was in the Underworld. Hell. The Chthonic realms. I was aware of the presence of a demon - like an arch-demon - or the guy at least in charge of the sector I had arrived in. It was very close to this realm. Some of the settings were the same — an elevator, a tiled ceiling, hallways, only slightly altered. I was wearing a dark robe with a hood. I think to conceal myself. I was not dead. I was being brought to my friend Sam. Sam is alive right now. He's a close friend, older gentlemen.  They told me something was wrong with his eyes - he had been blinded or something.  Again, it's as if an unknown "guide" showed me into a darkened, almost medieval room. I knew the demon in charge was in there with Sam, and I was feeling a bit reluctant about being where I was and seeing what I was about to. I was afraid of the vile appearance of any demons I may come across - but I was not letting this feeling rule me. I walked very, very slowly and deliberately into the room.  Sam was in a dark robe, laying on something like a stone slab. There was a bit of sunshine coming through a small window, just illuminating his face under the hood of his robe. His eyes were white - like that old dude from Kung Fu the TV series. I walked so quietly and slowly, so delibrately. I could hear my own breath. I crossed the light, and blocked it from hitting his face. 


His eyes had begun to bear recognition of who I was before I had even spoken. The demon was seated behind him. It was strange looking indeed. It was robed, and had what appeared to be a large floppy rubber dinosaur head. My immediate thought was to intone the Qabalistic Cross. "Ateh" was on the tip of my tongue. It means: "Thou art". A confirmation of the great I Am - of the uncreated, unbegotten, eternal, all knowing Father. Even though I wanted to really, really badly, I didn't think it wise.

My guide said something like that we were very close then, indeed, speaking of Sam and I, to the demon. The demon scoffed and replied with a clinical materialistic explanation of what that really meant. Sam turned and said - "No, not like that at all", and even I thought the demon's comment ridiculous to consider - defining what a friendship is in those cold insufficient psychological terms.

As this was going on - I had been paying attention to what was outside the window. I saw my friend Dan and another person I can't remember who was right now. They were standing with one or two more people outside, just hanging about - but it seems if they were "employed" there. Dan gave me a nasty look of recognition. Something was wrong. He was filled with hate. I also kept thinking that he had some sort of head trauma.

The demon took up conversation with me. I wouldn't answer. He was demanding respect and fear from me. I calmly sat down, across the room from the demon. He took out some black darts. I did nothing but raise my arm and let them stick into me. He threw 3. I wouldn't give him a reaction, not even pull them out of my arm. Now, I'm going to pause here, and say that I have a long history of exchanging projectiles like darts, and knives, and spears with demonic beings in dreams...

The demon was picking up and leaving the room - to go get something. It was as if he expected me to be "checked in" here. I had no plans to stick around. I had some sort of exchange with him.  I think I either gave him a coin or took a coin from him.  I didn't think of Charon at the time - but...  I remember him rolling up his sleeves first. His arms weren't real. His hands were rubbery. It's like he was layered in various costumes. I think something like a thumb-tip slipped off his thumb, and I saw an old human thumb underneath - maybe underneath everything. This was confusing.

As soon as his big rubber dinosaur head left, and headed down the hall to the right, I headed down the hall to the left. I came to the elevator. It was very large and very confusing. I knew it was important for me to get to the 2nd floor. I couldn't understand the buttons. It was asking for an ID. I had a card ID, but somehow I knew the clearance  wouldn't be sufficient. I tried it anyway. Alarms went off, reverberating through the facility, and I began to go to a lower floor. 

The doors opened, and I sprung out. I knew all of hell's denizens were about to be on my ass, and that this would not be a pleasant experience. I was in the deepest of caca. I sprung down the hall as I finally pulled out the 3 darts that had been sticking in my right arm. Two very short imps emerged into the hall. They were covered with something like a bound sheet - making a tight covering over their entire bodies. I spotted a staircase leading up. I sprang up it, turned around and stabbed one in the top of the head with the dart multiple times, and kicked him down. Then I did the same to the other imp.

I emerged into another hall. I was standing at a dead end, seemingly, when my ex-wife, Julia, walked right passed me, to a water fountain, and began to fill a vessel up. She never once looked at me.

"Julia!  What are you doing here?"

She began to tell me something, without ever once looking at me that I remember - but like with my Uncle Elmer - I can't remember what it was. I do remember that Dan, and those guys that had been outside, were close by, and looking for me. I think I saw Julia once more. Something was wrong with her - she just had this blank stare.

I emerged onto a different level. In the Overworld realm, before I came here, I remember seeing up into the ceiling where some tile was missing, an old staircase - it had literally been cut off, and covered over with the drop ceiling.  I finally recognized that here - those tiles were present - I ripped them down, and struggled to get myself up onto that hidden partial staircase leading up before demons could grab my legs and pull me down. Right before I pulled myself up, a couple - a man and a woman - touched me, and asked me this:

"Will you take the baby?"

I said, "No", and I left them and the Underworld.

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