Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Directions to Your Astral Temple

I first became aware of astral temples probably about 20 years ago when I came across a book on the Sylva Mind Control Method - actually, I came to that book through a book called "The Beautiful Side of Evil". The idea of constructing habitations in the imagination, I found to be wondrously thrilling a notion.

I have just recently managed to acquire some astral property.  It happened in a rather peculiar manner.  What got me interested again was Jason Miller's blog post on the Astral Temple. After that I came across Benjamin Rowe's "A Short Course In Scrying", which if you haven't read, I would suggest you immediately do so.

I wanted to learn more, but there didn't seem to be a whole lot proffered on the subject by Google. Then one day Nick Farrell posted a video: How to construct a basic ritual. Nick always seems to offer up eye-opening information that nobody else is. Stuff that I have questions about. I really wanted my own astral temple after watching.

I still was hungry for more information.  That's when I came across Bernard Alvarez on Youtube. I would listen to his Consciousness Classes Playlist  on break, while I cat-napped.  So, I was sort of in and out of consciousness. He would take you through a relaxation technique at the beginning of the videos, and I would be sound asleep before the end of it. During the second video, on creating your safe space, I somehow arrived at my astral temple. I woke up from being asleep knowing exactly where I was to build.  There was a rock in a field at the edge of some woods.  To the north the land descended into a large valley with a large mountain in the far distance.  To the East was a steep drop, covered in laurel bushes, with mountain ranges in the distance. To the south were dense woods, and the faint sound of a stream.  To the north was the base of a mountain, which I have not climbed to see what's at the top of yet...

My astral space has since come to have an altar and two pillars. I plan to flesh-out what type of trees the forest consists of, what herbs are growing around, and such and so forth as described in Rowe's work linked above.  The main thing was just having a place to begin from.  Now that I do, each time I go there, it's like returning to a familiar and secluded spot; the most relaxing and private place in the world. 

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