Monday, June 15, 2009

Human Potential

Remember how you felt when you read Daniel Keyes' Flowers for Algernon? Did you suddenly want to buy a book on higher mathematics, or learn another language?

Meet Daniel Tammet.

Part 1 of 5:


  1. I remember how I felt when I read the book in high school--I cried at the end.

    Compare with Poul Anderson's Brain Wave.

  2. I think I might have too, Wahrheit.

    You know, I don't really know what the hell was going on at my school--I only remember reading 3 novels for schoolwork spanning both middle school and high school. In middle school, "Lord of the Flies" and "The Outsiders" and in highschool (after I had been deported to an "Alternative" school)Huxley's "Brave New World".

    Perhaps it's a good thing, as I might not like reading now (so much for their plan to keep me stupid) had I been made to then, however...

    I heard it said that even should a person read 2-3 books a week they could only read 2000-3000 books in their lifetime (I need to check the math on that and find out exactly). I was very disturbed to hear this as I have over that many books in my library... I'll get to digging to see if I can turn up "Brain Wave"!
