Sunday, May 17, 2015

5.16.15 Dream

I remember being in my car, a black Dodge Challenger. I was in some rural mountain town. I remember a series of strange dreams leading up to this point, now, that is. It's quite blurry. I do remember coming to a one story road house. It was very long. I think there were a few Hispanic people in it. I specifically remember two young teenage boys. Something about music CDs or something. There was a girl. She was very pretty. I remember going through the house, and then there being something wrong. I only remember flashes. Being at a gas pump, trying to fill my car with gas, trying to leave. The girl was there, and a boy. He was chasing me. He had this hugely long steel serpent that would come out of his arm or something. I remember speeding down the road, unsure of which way to go. I was a long way from home, from Asheville. The girl was very pretty.

The next scene I remember was riding a bicycle. My car had disappeared. Replaced rather, with this bicycle. I was high in the Appalachian mountains. If you have ever driven in them, you know that the view from the road is exhilarating. Just off the road is a drop off into an oblivion thousands of feet below.

I remember coming to a sort of plateau. The road had turned into a dirt road. I had been to places that felt like this when I worked on a road crew - you feel like you are out away from everyone and everything. There was a cornfield. I thought it a bit strange at such a high elevation. I turned right. I came upon a Hispanic road crew - about three guys. I approached the crew leader. I explained that I was trying to get back to Asheville. He mentioned something about a body being below. I didn't dare go over to the edge of where he was standing. I felt almost dizzy where I was at, and could see plenty of the tiny lands far below from my position. There was such a feeling of being high up. One of his crew said something like, "He got what he was asking for."  At that moment I knew what had happened - they had been drunk. He had said something about jumping over, or joked about it, and his drunken friend had helped him over the edge.  At that moment the crew boss said that the other guy, which was standing next to him, would show me where I needed to go. They both walked ahead of me, and I followed, pushing my bike along.

Just about 40 or so yards ahead, after a small incline, we came to a red tower. The two men climbed up ahead of me. I had to fasten a rope to my bicycle, so I could pull it up behind me as I climbed the steel ladder. I really hated to be going up higher, as I felt like I was plenty high enough. The tower was enclosed on the backside - so you could climb the ladder, and just look at a red enclosing in front of you, and at the sides of you. There were spaces inbetween the corners though. I was climbing very slowly, as I was afraid of the height. I was unsure my bicycle would fit up through the space. The two men were far ahead of me.

By the time I got to the top of the tower's iron ladder, I came out in the hallway of a very old house. I thought this somewhat peculiar. I pulled my bicycle up by the rope, and half of it was missing. Oh well. The two men who were going to show me the way to Asheville were no where in sight. I very gingerly made my way down the hall. There were many rooms. It was an old house, whose large meandering rooms had been turned into apartments. I came to a doorway and went through. I softly said, "Hello?"  I looked around the corner and a Caucasian  woman was sitting across from a man on a couch. He paid no attention to me. She seemed agitated. She was lower-class. She seemed a bit dangerous. She looked like someone I knew. I almost ask her if she was that person, but I was much more concerned about my situation of being lost. She told me sort of where I needed to go - just pretty much away from her. She said it was dangerous here. I told her I had a Glock, but I sold it. She began to mock me. She called me a baby with an air gun. She was going to give me some money. She began counting out small change. She was very agitated. I left her and walked down another hallway. The house was Victorian. I love Victorian houses. This one was quite strange. I came into a set of large open rooms filled with evergreens. I thought of Christmas. I quietly said, "Hello?" A small boy, a child of 6 or 7 came out. I was mortified. I dislike children. I asked him if his parents were home. I think he said no. I was sure they would pop out and accuse me of trying to abduct the boy or some such. I quickly left.

I entered another large room. Again, a meekly asked, "Hello?" A small girl came out. Again I was mortified. I asked her if her parents were home. She said they were upstairs. I trembled at going up even higher. I proceeded to go up a set of narrow carpeted stairs when the young girl called out to me:  "They are smarter than you."

I came to the top of the stairs, and I see a man in dress pants and a dress shirt on the phone. He looks like Tim Allen. It was almost like he stuck his face in mine, but from afar. He was holding his hand out. It was actually waving me off, as he was busy on the phone, but I thought it was a friendly gesture, so I took it and shook it awkwardly. He walked across the room and hung the phone up. He said something about the woman he's trying to talk to not answering. He said it with humor. I was desperate to tell him my situation, as I had been in each of my previous encounters. All I wanted to do was get back to Asheville. My city. I was lost in a very unfamiliar place. I could just get out pieces of what I wanted to say. He was excitedly talking about his own work. He went and picked up some large thing that looked like an egg-shaped piece of black technology. He asked me if I knew anything about ghosts. My interest was piqued. It would have been much more if I weren't lost and seemingly insanely high up. He was getting ready to fire this piece of equipment up. There was a woman - his wife, I suppose - sitting across the room. She, unlike he, had been paying close attention to me. She arose, and came closer to me, to listen to me.

I woke up. I woke up still very bothered with the feeling of being in an unfamiliar place, and of having been very high up in elevation. I was relieved to find I was in my house in Asheville.

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